Latest Download - The License Test Demo
The License Test Demo is the latest available download. Running on a completely custom engine, this demo was originally released July 27th 2020 to a small test audience. Take on a deadly ruin and fight to get your digging license pack in a ruin filled with traps, reaverbots, and missing textures!
Minimum Requirements:
- Windows 7 64-bit or newer or Wine for support on Linux
- Vulkan-Capable Graphics Card
- x86-64 Processor
- At least 1 GB of Free Harddrive Space
- 2 GB of RAM
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 x86 Runtime. Most computers will have this already from other software.
The game executable is in bin/release/ASH.exe.
Older Versions
Mega Man Legends Expansion
Back in the mid to late 2000s, Mega Man Legends Expansion (MMLEx) was developed under several different engines. However, only one build was ever publicly released, version 5.29. We'll be adding different versions from the other engines as they are vetted and tested to work.
Note that the game automatically runs in fullscreen and its actual requirements to run are unknown. It probably doesn't support widescreen at all. No Canadians were harmed in the making of this build. It was originally released for Windows, but also runs under WINE.
Musical Credit in this build goes to
- Title Theme - "Good Night, Li'l Man". Original theme by Capcom. Remix by Texx Sound.
- In-game Theme - "Shades of Blue". Original theme by Capcom. Remix by CrimsonZeal.